(617) 680 – 7431 90DAYMONEYPRO@GMAIL.COM


The place for life-changing money mantras, industry highlights, hot takes and tons of exclusive content from Dimitry

Money Mantra #141

Money Mantra #141

This is what many people will call “An A-Ha! Moment” ... I love doing this on #moneytipmondayConsider the following... If you get two speeding tickets this year, it is very likely that your Auro Insurance premium will go up for next year. Keep filing claims on your...

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Money Pro Mantra #34

Money Pro Mantra #34

Many 1099 earners are stuck in a vicious cycle when it comes to paying taxes. Mess up one year by not having enough saved to pay them, or not filing, then deal with the issue next year. But next year the same issue snowballs, never allowing you to catch up. How do you get out of this #TaxTornado 🌪 ???

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Money Mantra #15

Money Mantra #15

Getting a CAR doesn’t have to be confusing, annoying, burdensome, or super crazy expensive. Here are some best practices from today’s #moneyProMantra

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Money Mantra #2

Money Mantra #2

Money coaches overlook this crucial protection step ALL the time. A young professional or young family just starting out or building their career, has a TON of financial priorities.

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