(617) 680 – 7431 90DAYMONEYPRO@GMAIL.COM

Getting a CAR doesn’t have to be confusing, annoying, burdensome, or super crazy expensive.

Here are some best practices from today’s #moneyProMantra

REMEMBER: Almost all vehicles are depreciating assets. Meaning their value continues to decrease over time, rather than go up over time (like your other assets)

That means that there are some success strategies that you should know.

If you’re okay with driving a used car, dealing with maintenance issues, and have liquidity above and beyond your Emergency Fund, put chasing a used car for a small 4 figure sum or low 5 figure sun may be best for you.

If you don’t have the liquidity, remember that auto loans can offer very low financing rates, and flexible terms – so you can have low minimum payments on a loan and focus on paying it aggressively if you’d like.

Alternatively, you can consider the following if you don’t want to drive a used car.

Car Leasing can be an affordable way to ensure you have a new car that will NOT need maintenance or break down on you.

Car leasing is usually best for folks who …
✅ Drive less than 12,000 Miles a year
✅ Have excellent FICO score 710+
✅ Can handle a low monthly payment in their cash flow rather than paying a large down payment or purchasing a used car in full.

90 Day Money Pro can help you evaluate your options, stress test strategies, and make sure that you can fill crush you debt paydown, asset building, protection, and lifestyle goals 💪

Have you ever leased a car? Tell us !!
Have you ever bought a used car? Tell us !!

(Oh yea and did you know that the average car payment in the USA is $523 a month?! Woof 😲) 


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